A cure for shingles

by Anthony Olsovsky
(Houston, TX)

French translation

Late last years I developed what I thought were bites around my waist and back....someone told me I may have shingles which I never had before.

I looked on the net and read the horror stories and keep seeing apple cider vinegar as a remedy some said worked.

So on Saturday I started with the internal and external use of ACV. Monday I went to the Doctor who confirmed the diagnosis and prescribe a short litany of medication. I was not able to pick it up that Monday but continued with the ACV.

On Tuesday I was sitting at my desk working and got up and immediately noticed there was no pain. I even went to the restroom to see if the blisters were still there....they were but all the pain and discomfort were totally gone and remained that way until the blisters eventually dried up.

I never picked up the medication. From that time I daily take a tablespoon of ACV in bottled water as it has other benefits as well.

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Jul 11, 2014
Acv Topical and Ingested
by: Mark (Manila, Philippines)

Was diagnosed with shingles four days ago. I've been taking Valaciclovir ever since.

But the next day I began to soak small cotton balls into Apple cider vinegar and bandaged them to the rashes. I kept replacing the cotton balls and bandages making sure I had fresh acv bandaged to the rashes all the time.

I've also been drinking apple cider vinegar diluted in water.

Three days since I started treatment with apple cider vinegar my rashes have scabbed and are just about ready to peel off.

I wonder if this is normal.

Jan 15, 2013
Looking for relief from shingles pain and itching
by: Sabrina (Savannah, Ga USA)

I had shingles in 2010 when I got released from the hospital. The blisters did not last long but as you can see the pain and itching is lingering.

A friend of mine mentioned ACV so I am going to give it a try and I will let you all know what happens.

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