ACV and Shea Butter

by Patricia Barksdale
(Detroit, Michigan)

French translation

I had been looking over the web regarding, Bragg Oranic Vinegar. I decided to try and use the rinse for my hair.

I washed my hair with White Rain Shampoo and rinsed my hair twice. I then put some ACV mixed with a little water in spray bottle. (no I did not measure) I would say maybe 50/50 1 cup of ACV and 1/3 cup of water.

I sprayed my hair and then started combing it. There were tangles but,very few. I could actually comb my hair without the heavy pulling, and yes I was amazed.

After I blow dryed my hair it was extremely shiny, and I took some natural shea butter and rub that in my hair and my hair was so soft and smooth.

I would recommend this to anyone. I will never use a store bought conditioner in my hair ever.

I am also drinking 1/2 cup of hot water mixed with 3 teaspoons of ACV and some raw honey. It is a excellent drink and will help with elimination.

I am on the road to discover all the benefits of ACV. And I recommend using, Bragg Organic Vinegar, with the Mother in it.

I will add a picture of my hair when I come back to this site. I just don't have any recent pictures, like one from today when I washed my hair.

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Nov 27, 2010
Hot water and ACV
by: Anonymous

If you're putting your Bragg's into hot water (above 105 degrees), you are losing many of the benefits. Heat kills the beneficial enzymes and probiotics.

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