Just read your post. I have been trying to find a solution to my razor bumps problem.
I was using a mix I made at home (but no ACV in the ingredients). It worked great but now it seems the bumps are coming back.
I am now putting white vinegar on them. It seems to be drying them out. I am just wondering if I would be killing them from the inside and not just adding product on the outside? Not sure though.
Anyway... how did you use the ACV on your razor bumps? I am willing to try it because I am tired of these things!!!!! Thank you.
apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com: it would be a good idea to post the treatment here for the benefit of all readers.
This is one of the newest ways of adding apple cider vinegar to a popular product.
Convenience and taste are the driving factors here, after all, who doesn't like the taste and portability of gummy candies?
The leading manufactures of ACV gummies, though, are…
(Translated from French) I am a naturalist. My horses are fed with hay for the elderly because they are 27 and 28 year old seniors, and soaked pellets...
After being told to drink more water, take vitamins, stretch and massage my hand, nothing worked to relieve my painful hand cramps and sometimes leg cramps.
But I recently tried apple cider vinegar, honey and water.
Quelques nouveaux développements dans les suppléments de vinaigre de cidre de pomme et les gummies ont été mis à jour sur cette page.
Bragg a développé un supplément de vinaigre de cidre de pomme sous forme de capsule ayant la même quantité d'acide acétique qu'une cuillère à thé de vinaigre de cidre de pomme liquide et…
Ma mère nous préparait une boisson contenant du vinaigre de cidre de pomme qu'elle nous donnait quand nous étions encombrés, ça n'avait pas bon goût mais ça marchait..