by Anonymous
(Ohio, United States)
I've dealt with dandruff all my life and developed it in my eyebrows in high school. (33 yrs ago)
I learned that it is actually Seborrhea Dermatitis and it seemed to get worse whenever I was under more stress than usual. It can be aggravated by many other things though including diet.
Well about a week ago I researched remedies on Google and found several posts about ACV as a solution.
I'm here to tell you it's wonderful!!!
I brush out my eyebrows, mustache, forehead and nose/cheeks with an old toothbrush. Then I liberally apply ACV with a gause pad and let dry - then reapply a second time. I do this every morning (I work at home :)
The first time I applied ACV it stung. The second day just a little stinging. And now never. It leaves my skin smooth and fresh. (and my sinuses clear)
I have yet to try it on my scalp - I use tea tree shampoo for that - twice a week. But ACV obviously costs less so I'm trying it tonight!
I'll remember to keep it out of my eyes though - ouch...
ACV is powerful, wonderful and natural.
By the way, my doctors said to use cortisone 10 every night.
Yea right, steroid ointment for the rest of my life? NOT!
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