ACV one of three steps I took to lose weight.
by Winnifred
(San Jose, CA)
I made three adjustments to my diet which, I believe, contributed to a 12 pound weight loss over about a month.
1) I took ACV 2-3 times per day, 20 minutes before my meals.
2) With the ACV I took 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
3) I avoided refined grains.
I began taking ACV 2-3 times per day about 5 weeks ago. I wasn't seeing much movement on the scale for the first 2 weeks. Then I decided to start with the coconut oil (a hint I got from Tom Cowan's website) with the ACV 20 minutes before meals. I wasn't hungry or feeling deprived!
I stopped weighing myself for a couple of weeks but when I jumped back on the scales I realized that I had lost 12 pounds!!
Unfortunately my "reward" for this success has lead to me regaining 7 pounds. But I am resolved to reestablish these habits until I am at my goal weight which is 170 (20 pounds less than I am now).