by Pat
(South Australia)
I have an 18 year old mare who hated flies and would go ape when they were bad.
She has now been on ACV nightly (about half cup in her feed) for the past 3 months and she now tolerates flies on her.
She does not bleed when they bite, plus there is no more clicking in the joints.
Only one problem. Should the ACV be pasteurized or not?
I buy mine from the supermarket and it seems to do the trick. - Non pasteurized, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar is recommended for internal use. This type of ACV contains more enzymes and other healthy substances and can be found in most local health food stores and even in some general grocery stores.
However, if your store bought ACV is effective for your mare, and cheaper to use, you may want to continue using it.
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