by Angelica
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
I am happy to share my story with those of you who are researching this amazing remedy!
I started using vinegar about 3 years ago and I was amazed at the results!
Fist of all, my face and back totally cleared up.
I used to get yeast infections regularly. That totally stopped!
I lost 40lbs in about 6 mos! without changing my diet. I was doing about 2 to 3 tbls after each meal. I was told that as long as you take it within an hour of your meal you are fine.
The first thing I began to notice, is that I was losing inches! My clothes began to feel looser in the waist and then all over.
And then, I started to drop a couple of pounds every other week.
Before I knew it I had lost 40 lbs without even trying really!
It is amazing! Now I can't live without it!
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