Amazing ACV Cure for Acne

by Angie

French translation

I have suffered from adult acne from my mid 20's until recently (I am 48).

Most of my face has been mercifully clear but I have had persistent unsightly spots on my nose and occasionally chin.
This has been variously diagnosed as rosacea (wrongly I think) or acne vulgaris.

I have run the gauntlet of all over-the-counter and prescribed treatments available, including various antibiotics and three courses of roaccutane, which gave only temporary relief.

I have also paid for expensive clinic treatments such as facial peels and laser treatment; all had limited and temporary effect.

Reading about ACV on the internet, I decided to try it and have been taking 1200 mg in tablet-form for the past six weeks. A large painful spot cleared up within days and since then I have had no more breakouts.
In addition I feel that my digestion has improved, with less bloating and discomfort.

I am so delighted and hope that this amazing effect continues.

My son will be a teenager soon and I have always feared that he may suffer from acne like me; I am happy that I have found a natural treatment that might spare him the suffering of this horrible condition.

I would like to share my experience in the hope that it might help others.

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Jul 16, 2009
apple cider
by: Pat Dowsakul

Hi my name is Pat Dowsakul, I'm 28 years old and I have had Acne since I was 16.

I tried many different product and medication. And nothing worked for me. I thought that I would never find the cure for my acne.

I came across YouTube one day and some one mentioned apple cider vinegar helps him with acne.

So I tried it and within two days my acne started clearing up. :) Amazing.

I'm going to stick with this ACV to see what happened.

Jun 11, 2009
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Anonymous

Try drinking Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. It is great stuff, so much better than the capsules, and so many more benefits!

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