Apple Cider Vinegar and Pets

by Berit Mackeed



French translation

As for pets and APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - Apple Cider Vinegar is totally ANTI-FUNGAL and I don't see why it would affect pets sensitive to yeast!!!! As stated on this page... Quite the contrary!

A tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar can be added to the drinking water to beat yeast/fungal problems and a rinse of Apple Cider Vinegar and water can help cure fungal skin infections! And fungal ear problems!

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Oct 11, 2014
ACV removed my dog's yeast infection
by: Kimberlee (Los Angeles California, USA)

My puppy had a little yeast infection and skin allergies and I put Bragg apple cider vinegar on the irritated spots and within weeks it began to clear all the way up.

So happy she found relief the natural way because all her vet wanted to do was fill her up with shots and antibiotics.

Aug 03, 2008
How do you think the apple cider gets fermented?
by: Anonymous

While ACV may have antifungal properties, YEAST is used to ferment the apple cider - turning it into vinegar. This is why it is not appropriate for pets (or people) with yeast allergies.

Feb 25, 2008
Apple Cider Vinegar and Pet Yeast Infections
by: Wayne @ (

Yeast infections in pets and the effect of apple cider vinegar is a complex subject for which I have not found any scientific studies. (A good general overview can be found at

There is however much anecdotal evidence suggesting that ACV used internally or externally helps control various types of yeast infections in both pets and humans. So I agree that organic raw apple cider vinegar should be helpful for most pets with yeast infections.

The concern for yeast sensitive or allergic pets comes from a book called Natural Remedies for Dogs and Cats by CJ Puotinen, 2003 edition. It states on page 78, "The only pets for whom vinegar is not recommended are those with a chronic yeast infection caused by organisms such as Candida Albicans or those with an overly acidic system. Vinegar is believed to feed, reactivate, or exacerbate these conditions. However, animals fed a well balanced raw diet and sufficient acidophilus to replenish the body's beneficial bacteria may be able to consume vinegar despite a history of candidiasis."

Again no scientific studies are cited, and the author says that he only believes that ACV will make the situation worse for pets with chronic yeast infections.

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