Apple Cider Vinegar Cured Leg Problems Overnight

by Anonymous

French translation

My nighttime leg and foot cramps sometimes leaves me with pulled muscles they get so bad.

I saw something on the internet in a desperate moment that said apple cider vinegar and water would help.

I tried it before bedtime last night and it is the first full night sleep I have had in weeks.

Our weather has reached into the 100 degree range for two weeks and my legs hurt really bad when it does this. I take blood pressure meds and one has a water pill built into it so I avoid extreme heat if possible.

To make my story short, I woke up this morning and after coffee I realized my legs felt better than they have in years. No pulled muscle feelings. No cramping when I sit. It wasn't just my calves and feet but my thighs would cramp deeply in front and back.

I exercise as much as possible and walk when opportunity exists. I eat well and make sure of enough potassium and calcium but nothing has ever helped.

I will try my vinegar again tonight before bedtime. I will watch about taking it often as I have read precautions.

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Mar 14, 2017
Leg Kicking disappeared with ACV
by: Bob - (Parkersburg, WV USA)

Now 80 years old with a 20 year history of moderate leg kicking while going to sleep, the problem disappeared for the last two weeks. 

One good size coffee cup of water with a table spoon of the apple cider vinegar before bed and the problem is gone! 

The coffee does not mean to encourage a hot drink. 

Try it!

Dec 29, 2014
Night Cramps
by: Anonymous

Cramps so severe I screamed out loud... Found ACV the next day and have had none since a thrice daily dose in water.

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