Feel good, feel smart, lose weight with the help of ACV
by M

I started using ACV about a year ago off and on.
I wasn't taking it to lose weight at first, but I did notice that when I was taking it my appetite was reduced and my fat was burning faster than normal. My joints do not hurt at much when I am taking it so I am able to walk further and more often, which contributes to my weight loss and overall fitness.
I realized about 3 months ago that my energy level was higher when I took ACV prior to bed time because my sleep was deeper and non-interrupted by painful joints.
I know this is a long example of ACV and weight loss, but I thought I would like to share that ACV is a vital part of my fitness program.
Don't expect to lose any weight if you do not have some level of exercise. Walking is what I enjoy the most and it seems to burn just as many calories as running does, with fewer injuries.
My suggestion to everybody is to talk with your doctor first before beginning a weight loss program or fitness program, then try ACV for a month to see what effect it has on your body and metabolism. I know it doesn't taste great, but for a five second discomfort every day, it's well worth it.
I take it two or three times every day. Especially just prior to going to sleep. It really helps my rest time.
I hope this helps.