For those who are not seeing any weight loss after drinking ACV

by Marie

French translation

I was lost reading all the successful stories of this site and had no intention of putting in my say, but on seeing a few of disheartened people, I thought I should share my experience.

I have suffered aches and pains all over my body, since a very young age. Due to this, I was quite immobile and so added a lot of weight ending very obese.

At a point, about fifteen years ago, I made a very big resolution to take care of myself and completely changed my lifestyle. No strict diets, just healthy eating and exercise even 3 whole hours daily. I managed to loose 52 klos (nearly half my previous weight) but it took me 4 whole years. I ended up wearing nearly a size 12.

Over the years, though still eating healthily, I went up to size 20 and even these were becoming tight.

Two years ago, I came across a site telling the benefits of ACV, so I started to have shots of it without diluting. I do not remember how many times or what quantity, I took during a day. And I cannot remember its effect on me. All I remember is that after quite some good weeks it became very repulsive for me and I absolutely couldn't take it any more.

Meanwhile, I sure noticed no weight loss cause I would have made everything possible to try and put it down in my stomach, somehow.

I totally forgot about this intake of ACV, accept when smelling vinegar and absolutely made no connection to the following contribution.

At some point during that year, wherever I went, people kept telling me that I lost weight. I was amazed and I just answered that I could not imagine how that was possible.

I kept eating healthy but was not restricting the amounts, and even eating cakes or ice creams every now or then. No special exercise either. So I just couldn't believe it. But somehow this encouraged me to start being aware and paid attention to the amount I eat and half an hour of daily exercise as well.

At this stage, weight literally started falling off me and I could not believe how I started to fit in smaller clothes week after week fitting into a size 14 and even these started to be a bit loose on me.

Meanwhile I had to go to the doctor due to some pain and when he heard that I had lost so much weight in such a short time, he ordered for me all sorts of tests, and it was useless that I told him I was dieting and doing some exercise too. He answered that no amount of exercise and dieting will shred off so much weight.

And thinking of it, so many years ago I was exercising 6 times as much and it took me quite some years! So that remained a puzzle to all, and especially to me to these last days because all test results showed good health. I had stopped loosing weight but kept at same weight for a good 1 1/2 years.

These last 6 months or so, I added 3 klos again. On coming by this site three days ago, I am now asking myself if it could have been the ACV I drank at the time.

So immediately I plucked up courage and started taking 2 tsp ACV with the mother, DILUTED this time, in a bit of diet lemonade, water and adding quite a bit of cinnamon or ginger (it has become quite a nice drink at least) and had it 3 times for the past two days.

Today I made the same mixture but with 1tbs and even had an extra one at night, making it to 4 tbs.

To date I have not noticed any weight loss, but noticed two other important benefits - energy and no pain in my knees. What with the kind of heat we are going through, the lack of energy I had and the pain in my knees and feet, it was costing me an extremely big effort to get through the 30mins air walking, sometimes even stopping after 20mins. Yesterday and today my exercise time went up to 1 1/2 hrs! Unbelievable!

End of my experience - I still cannot vouch that ACV was the Miracle weight looser, but like me, you sure suspect that it was, and I am really, really hoping it takes me down to a size 12 in so many days as it did before.

By the way, I am 65 and 5'4". I do not care how much I weigh as long as I feel healthy and maybe fit into that smaller size.

If I do loose weight I will try my utmost to update. I hope that my experience will be useful to those who do not see immediate weight loss after starting ACV. Please do not give up!

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Jun 29, 2017
Must moderate caloric in take to lose weight
by: Anonymous

I just lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks by moderating my diet eating smaller amounts less carbs more veggies.

I use ACV in my salads I eat everyday. I think it is very good for you, cleansing etc..

It is impossible to lose weight just by drinking ACV. You need to walk 1 mile everyday or build up to it and moderate the amount of food you eat. You need to feel your hunger at times to burn the fat off.

I would like to lose 90 more lbs within the next year so I will be 200lbs and I'm sure I will feel better then.

Dec 06, 2015
Hoping for the best
by: Anonymous

Thank for sharing your experience.

It sounds just like me. I have been taking ACV for the last two weeks and it shows no result.

So hoping for the best.

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