How Apple Cider Vinegar Helps Eczema Sufferers Like Me

by Delisa Muhammad
(Flint Michigan, USA)

French translation

Here is my testimony. I have been a chronic eczema sufferer for more than thirty years.

I have used every cortisone cream known to Dermatologists. Yes, the cream would clear up my rash and alleviate some of the itching for awhile. This is what I experience for more than thirty years.

Back in 2000 a man from  Africa  approach me when he saw my eczema. He said to me that their were many eczema sufferers in Africa, and that I should try some ACV. He told me to rub it on my hands and drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar everyday. Of coarse I did this for a few days and then stopped. I couldn't believe anything would be better than my cortisone cream.

Then the other day when my skin flared up as it does every summer. That's the time of year my eczema is at it's worse. I said to my husband I'm tired of using  the cortisone, all it does is thin my skin and make me burn in the sun. Mind you I have enough melanin for half the planet. There is No way I should be burning in the sun.

So my husband said to me remember when that man told you about ACV, "try that". I have absolutely nothing to lose, so I went to the store and brought a 99 cent bottle of ACV used it for a few days and I noticed I wasn't itching as bad and my rash was drying up.

So I jumped on the computer to Google ACV to see what the properties were in this stuff.  That gave me this site of great results.  Then I found out that  the best kind of ACV was organic, unpasteurized and with the mother so I went to the health food store and brought a bottle of Bragg's.

The results are wonderful. My skin in healing, the itching is under control. It's unbelievable to me how ACV helped heal my eczema. A natural healer from God. " AN APPLE." ..(^_^ ) . 

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