How avc helped my cats ears
by Sandra Mac
(Spokane Wa.)

I adopted OW, my cat at a humane society a year ago, she was neglected and abused and suffered cauliflowered ears from the neglect.
We were given a free vet check...when looking at her closed up ears the vet said it would cost 300.00 dollars to irrigate them...I couldn't afford it so we said bye....
Ow had a lot of trouble scratching her ears I went online looking for cures and found a few....but one day I woke up with a skin issue and my research led me to Apple Cider Vinegar...
It worked for me....So the research looked like maybe it would work for my cats ears....I tried it in betadine and avc...used a baby nose cleaner to apply....My cat's ears are great now...I'm greatful to have found an inexpensive cure.
Incidently my cat is dang near 14 yrs old and the vet called her a money pit.....I thought I might have to have her put down she was so miserable with the ear this was no small thing....thanks!
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