How I'm using ACV to loose weight
by Kerry Borth
(Dalhart , TX)

I started out at a huge 190 lbs which is way more than my frame and knees could handle.
In just over a month I have lost 20 lbs. I crave my vinegar. I use it straight (never watered down) on lettuce by itself or on salads for salad dressing without the oil. I love to slice up cucumbers and pour vinegar over them and let them sit for a while then eat them straight out of the bowl.
I made a soup with cabbage, potatoes, onions and Kielbaska sausage that is very yummy. Then I have to have vinegar on it. I had probably 4-5 bowls of it the first day (thru' out the day). It was very cleansing also (if you know what I mean :). I think that's what jump started my weight loss.
I also steam a package of the cauliflower, broccoli, carrot combo and put the vinegar on them to eat.
Now that my daughter has gotten me on the Atkins diet, I leave out the potatoes of the soup. But the best part is I have cut out carbs. No sodas, no sugars etc. I have found the Atkins shake drinks-choc, vanilla and strawberry. The strawberry does taste like a shake. They help keep my blood sugar on more of a level keel instead of the highs and lows swing that all my sweets loving days did.
But I still have my vinegar. I keep thinking of foods that I can put it on. When I was a kid I loved to just take a swig of vinegar from the jug, so I have loved the ACV for a long time. So getting reacquainted with it isn't a problem. In fact just thinking about it makes my mouth start to water. My daughter will walk into the room and go "whooo I smell your vinegar!".
I’m so happy to be able to 'shop' in my closet and be able to wear clothes that I haven't been able to wear in a long time. It really is a sin to have good clothes hanging there and not be able to wear them because I have let stress of a mother-in-law living with us make me want to reach for the sweets to eat or the 'can't sleep so do the midnight snack attack'. But I don't do that anymore because when you see the results happening to you, you want to to keep on making it happen. It's so nice to hear-"gee is that a new dress?" "No it's been in my closet for a long time and I can NOW get back into it."
Hope you try this and have the results I have had. I have too many before pictures but when I have an after picture I'll post the 2 together. :)
Did I mention that this year I will be 60?
That's hard to get my mind around but the way I was headed-the next years were going to be very hard to manage.
Getting a handle on my weight now hopefully will help me get thru' them easier and enjoy them more.