I have used ACV to make my hair feel soft and shiny.

by Genevieve Young
(Albuquerque, NM)

French translation

My older sister introduced me to Apple Cider Vinegar and the many uses of it..particularly with hair.

She instructed me to wash my hair with it and rinse and then use a shampoo and conditioner like usual.

Many co-workers gave me compliments such as, "How did you get your hair so shiny?" and "Your hair is so soft."

You do have to get use to the smell and you have to close your eyes and try not to get ACV in your eyes. The smell goes away when you dry your hair.


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Jan 22, 2015
Apple cider vinegar works to detangle, shine & grow your hair!!
by: Javonna, Ohio USA

I use this on my sister and daughters hair it work as a great detangler, shines the hair and grows the hair!!

It's amazing!!!

Jun 19, 2012
ACV and cold syptoms
by: Anonymous

You can also take 1 tbs of ACV in a cup of apple juice and drink it when you feel a cold coming on and it will wipe out your cold.

I have not had a cold in years thanks to ACV and I work in the ER.

I also use it as a hair rinse. It keeps my natural hair curly and frizz free.

Jul 29, 2011
Accidently got avc in my eyes
by: Cindy

I too was happily surprise that it did not sting my eyes as bad as shampoo because I used full strength on my hair.

I didn't know or think to dilute it since I had never done this before.

Dec 08, 2009
by: Anonymous

I've read quite a bit about the ACV rinse now, & apparently it's very effective. I would very much like to try it out, but I have no idea how much ACV to use, or how to make it.. ?
Anyone know? Thanks :)

Sep 14, 2009
by: Anonymous

Used vinegar for hair rinse when I was a child ... I am 82 years old. Will try again, after years of "designer" rinses.

Jan 16, 2008
The Eyes, Nose, and Throat - Benefits using ACV
by: Mira Wilder

I agree with your statement about The shiny hair and closing your eyes.

However, I once got it in my eyes after rinsing my hair, and while it did burn a little, after "rinsing well" with the shower water to get the sting out, I noticed remarkable improvement in the clarity of my Eyes!

After reading more about it, there is a page in the Bragg book that says you can actually make a diluted mixture to RINSE the eyes!
My vision was much improved.
Anyone reading this, that has filmy, squinty eyes needs to try this.
It has now become a weekly routine,(rinsing the eyes).

I have no other reason to write this, other than wanting to spread the news to others, about how miraculous ACV is.

It took laryngitis away in less than two days! After gargling with it, and after using a NETTI POT and rinsing my nasal cavities, it cleared me of sinusitis over night. A Problem I have had and suffered with for years!

How it works is a mystery to me, but every one should try to use this.(It's a wonder the AMA had not caught on to this inexpensive way to keep your health tip-top. I'm such a Fan!

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