I lost sixty pounds with the help of ACV

by Robert Diaz
(San Antonio Texas)

French translation

I was diagnosed with diabetes. I was instructed to stay away from corn, green peas, potatoes, flour tortillas and rice.

I did that along with drinking about two teaspoons of ACV with every meal.
I lost sixty pounds during a period of seven months.

My diabeties was also under control. I took my ACV with DIET COKE. I found it much easier that way. Since then I have given up drinking diet drinks. It's even easier with regular soda because the extra sugar satisfy's me much faster so I eat less and I have more energy.

My weight loss is documented in my medical history, unfortunately my ACV intake is not.

Does ACV work --You bet it does.

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Nov 26, 2008
How To Take Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Amoy

Hi here is how you take the apple cider vinegar

*2 teaspoon of Bragg, Raw, Unfiltered, apple cider vinegar
*8 oz water
you can add a drop of honey to taste.

Take this mixture before each meal daily.

**NB** instead of eating 3 large meals each per day, eat 6 small meals throughout the day this makes it easier for your stomach to digest the food eaten.

Also, reduce your intake of butter and vegetable oils, as the body finds it hard to digest these fats. Eliminate fried foods from your diets.

For more info you can email me at

I am using Bragg apple cider for my acid reflux works like a charm and I am losing weight also...

It's great.

Note from apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com
We recommend using organic apple cider vinegar, raw (non pasteurized), non filtered, and containing "the mother".
Bragg apple cider vinegar does meet all these requirements and is an excellent choice.

Sep 21, 2008
by: Anonymous

could you please tell me did you take

*organic ACV? (which has the ingredient "mother in it?

*also did you take ACV before or after meals?

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