The Insulin and Weight Loss

The connection between insulin and weight loss is the subject of a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (J.A.M.A.).

A team of researchers from the Children's Hospital Boston, conducted a study on 73 obese young adults (aged 18 - 35) and found that those subjects who had high insulin levels (high insulin secretion) lost significantly less weight than those with low insulin levels when placed on a low-fat diet.

However the reverse was true when both groups were placed on a low-carbohydrate diet.

So for overweight and obese people, a blood test to determine insulin levels could help determine which weight loss procedure will work best for them.

After reviewing this landmark study, Dr Mercola, on his web site commented on the insulin and weight loss connection explaining that insulin is the central part of the weight loss equation and the reason 200 million Americans are overweight is because they have impaired insulin receptor sensitivity.

He goes on to state that people with impaired insulin receptor sensitivity makes them hypersecrete insulin to compensate for this low receptor sensitivity and:

"Once your body releases insulin it immediately starts to inhibit your fat-burning hormone called hormone-sensitive lipase. This hormone is responsible for releasing fat into your bloodstream to be utilized as fuel. Once this enzyme is inhibited, your body is unable to burn fat and will then begin utilizing amino acids from your muscle and carbohydrates as fuel.

This will cause you to become abnormally hungry, which further feeds this vicious cycle.

The key is to have LOW levels of insulin so your body can produce large amounts of hormone-sensitive lipase and burn fat all day so you can look thin and slim."

The insulin resistance and weight loss connection is further explained by Dr Mercola who maintains that many people have impaired insulin receptor sensitivity simply because of lack of exercise and over-eating, especially processed foods and refined carbohydrates.

Also, in a September 2010 article, Dr. Mercola stressed that Leptin - a hormone produced in your fat cells - regulates your appetite and body weight and that "Leptin is largely responsible for the accuracy of insulin signaling and whether or not you become insulin resistant".

The Vinegar
Insulin and Weight Loss Connection

Since vinegar has been shown to reduce the blood sugar rise that normally occurs after a meal, it should follow that taking apple cider vinegar with a meal will also reduce the amount of insulin required to process that meal and thus help lead to better overall health and weight control just like increased exercise and proper diet does.

So you can improve your weight loss efforts by taking an apple cider vinegar tonic with your meals along with increased exercise and proper diet.


(1.) The Journal of the American Medical Association, May 16, 2007; 297:2092-2102 ( Web Link )

(2.) Feeling Fatigued or Irritable? There's a 1 in 4 Chance You Suffer From This Disease. Posted by Dr. Mercola, September 02, 2010 ( Web Link )