Losing Weight with AVC.

by Kadija P.
(PSL, Fl)

French translation

A friend mine told me about the AVC about a year and some months ago.

I've tried many things and was actually contemplating on the surgical procedure. She said before I go through a major decision like that give one more thing a try.

So I went to the health food store and bought this AVC with the mother. It looked kind of crazy to me at first, so I said I'm going to drink one bottle and if it doesn't work off to the doctor I go.

Well, let the truth be told I started in Sept. of 08 and as of March of 09 I lost 62lbs. True facts, people are asking me what are you doing and I tell them drinking apple cider vinegar. I have more energy and feel so much better about myself but I'm not finished.

I have a further mission I am a rather healthy woman in size and I want to be even smaller or at my goal size of a 12 or 14. I'm tall and don't want to loose ALL my lady curves.

With this ACV I'm well on my way.

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Dec 17, 2014
Anonymous' comment
by: Anonymous

"up the pharmaceuticals arse"...lol!! good one anonymous!

Mar 15, 2011
Excellent to hear
by: Anonymous

Lovely to hear and up the pharmacuticals arse, cause they can't sell it to you. x

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