My dogs love their dinner tossed with ACV!

by Anonymous
(Texas, USA)

2 chiens

2 chiens

French translation

One of my dogs, a Rottweiler/Shepherd mix, is a finicky eater. We humans all wish we would be a little more like him and only eat when we are truly hungry.

The trouble with Bear was that the slightest distraction would keep from eating his meals, and his big brother (a Catahoula) was always distracting him. (And stealing the forgotten meal.)

Once I started tossing their meals (dry food) with a tablespoon of ACV, those problems were over. It may smell a bit strong to their human family, but both of my dogs go nuts over the ACV added to their bowls.

After six months, they haven't lost their enthusiasm. I feel good that each is getting the proper amount of food (not skipping meals, not eating twice what he should) and is getting the benefits of ACV at the same time.

An inexpensive solution that is worth its weight in gold for the good it's doing my boys!

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Apr 01, 2014
AVC vs a poor diet
by: Anonymous

While ACV does have wonderful benefits, feeding your pets low quality processed food along with it will not keep your pet healthy.

There is no such thing as a "healthy" kibble or canned food. It's all highly processed with synthetic vitamins added that actually come from China. The US no longer manufactures vitamins. As with people, synthetic vitamins will do more harm than good in the long run.

Feeding your pet a diet of processed food for its entire life would be like you eating McDonald's junk food everyday for the rest of your life. I don't think you would feed your child this way, why would you want to do this to your pet that you care about?

Sure it takes time to learn how to feed your pet a healthy homemade or raw diet, but the rewards are great and you will have fewer visits to the vet.

Putting a little AVC in their food just isn't going to make up for a poor diet.

Aug 08, 2009
Dogs and acv
by: Anonymous

Interesting... I wonder if the same applies to cats?................

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