No Exploratory Surgery!-ACV Benefit
by Isabeau Emilien
(westwego,la. usa)
A friend of mine has a son who came down with a serious bacterial yeast infection.
Doctor's tests concluded it was throughout his body. He wasn't sure what to do or what area of his body it was stemming from, so he decided to perform exploratory surgery on him to see what he can find.
My friend (his mother) really didn't want her son to go through this procedure but she felt she had no choice. The infection was killing him!
Two days before the surgery she went to visit her son and gave him 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and miraculously all of the infection went to his pancreas and they were able to operate on just that area instead of all over his body.
My friend really didn't know if the acv would help, but she was willing to try it if there was any glimmer of hope to keep her son from becoming an experiment.
Cheers to acv!