Only 1 pound lost after taking ACV for 4 weeks

by Lee
(California, USA)

French translation

I have beent taking 2tbsp of ACV three times a day for the past four weeks. I have lost inches around my midsection but not much actual weight loss (approximately 1 pound).

I’m not sure if the inches lost are due to ACV or my new workout regimen but I am currently between dress sizes and on my way down from a size 16 to a size 14.

I know the way ACV works in the body is similar to the way the body responds to high levels of glucose in people with diabetes. The increased blood sugars cause a metabolic response to makes the body burn fat. Rapid weight loss is often seen in people who are newly diagnosed with diabetes.

My husband has uncontrolled diabetes and has to switch medicines frequently because his blood sugars are not responding to the meds. When his sugars are really high he drops 20-30 within weeks.

Since I am also diabetic, I may already be predisposed to these metabolic changes which may be why my body is not responding (as fast) to the ACV.

Just a thought... any suggestions?

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Mar 06, 2018
How ACV helped me to shed pounds
by: Denell Davis (Dallas Texas, USA)

I lost 6 lbs with ACV by drinking it every morning.

2 Tablespoon before a meal did the work for me.

This was after 2 weeks of being on ACV.

Jun 04, 2017
Only 1 pound? This's why...
by: Anonymous

The mango juice contains a lot of sugar and may be the culprit.

Also with ACV, I think what falls off is actual fat not just excess fluid. This explains why the waist circumference shrinks first before noticeable weight loss.

On the average, one should expect to lose only about fifteen pounds in a year with ACV alone. If you add exercise and change from junk to healthy diet, may be another ten to fifteen pounds.

Each person is different. I have only lost eleven pounds in three months, but my waist circumference shrunk by two inches.

Take your ACV with water, not juice. I do two tsp with a glass of water three x a day. Good luck.

Jan 25, 2016
Possible solutions if you stop losing weight with ACV
by: Anonymous

If you don't exercise much during your weight loss phase with ACV or do limited exercise,

1- You could stop the ACV for awhile, eat protein such as meat and increase your exercise. Drink plenty of water.

2- You could also keep taking ACV, but exercise or increase your exercise level: you may begin to build muscle and burn fat.

Muscles weigh more than fat.

Mar 18, 2015
Stopped loosing weight with ACV.
by: Alfiya (Ontario, Canada)

I have been taking ACV for 2 weeks today. I was 85 kilo when I started, now I am 82 kilo and I stopped loosing any more weight.

I don't know what am I doing wrong.

I started taking one teaspoon with mango juice 3 times a day now I'm taking 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

I eat healthy and I don't eat anything after 5 pm.

Please help, why am I not able to loose more.
Thank you.

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