Skin tag Removal

by Arlyss T

French translation

For 3 years, I have had this teardrop skin tag in the hollow of my throat.
If I had worn the right neck chain, it would have looked like a necklace!!

I had read about ACV wart removal and thought, "Hm.m. I wonder..." So I put a drop of apple cider vinegar on the skin tag every morning... and in 3 weeks it is gone!

It had been about the size of the top of a pencil eraser. Last week I noticed that I touched it more often, but it wasn't really itchy. It just felt like it was "different."
This week......GONE!

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Aug 30, 2016
Skin tag removal
by: Anonymous

I used apple cider vinegar on a skin tag at the recommendation of a friend. I had never heard of such a thing before.

It worked. In a few days the skin tag dried up and fell off. It didn't leave a scar either.

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