Thanks for these stories on ACV for tangled hair
by Rachel
(Missouri City, Texas USA)
I wanted to share my experience with the ACV after being so frustrated with my hair for months.
Sunday, again I washed my hair then used a conditioner which didn't do anything for my tangled mated kinky hair with some knots on some of my ends.
So I said to myself there has got to be something that can help me with my hair texture out there so I started to Google what could help someone like me with very very kinky hair when its wet.
Of course this story came up about trying the ACV rinse as a conditioner and I said can't be, I keep this stuff in my cabinet. I said well I've tried a lot of products and to no avail, so real & capable, but OK.
I tried it Monday night and Lord and Behold I shampooed 1st, then I rinsed with the ACV rinse and used a comb after a few minutes and my comb for the first time in months had slip and my comb raked straight thru my hair.
I was so happy that this stuff really worked. I will use it from now on, you made a believer out of me.
Thank you
God Bless