What I noticed after two days of using ACV

by Sandro

French translation

Two days after starting to use ACV, I noticed I was urinating more frequently, and that my appetite had diminished considerably.

I actually started to force myself to eat at normal times.

Also, and I wasn't expecting this, my desire for smoking also started to disappear.

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Jun 11, 2022
Yellow poop
by: Anonymous

Did anyone have yellow poop after a couple days of taking ACV and water?

Jul 26, 2019
Frequent urination while drinking apple cider vinegar
by: Anonymous

I noticed that I was going to the bathroom to urinate and my pee was clear. I began to wonder if something was wrong.

After reading about Apple Cider Vinegar and frequent trip to the bathroom that was a relief to know that was normal.
I will keep drinking Apple Cider.

Jan 03, 2019
Great ACV recipe!
by: Anonymous

30 oz tumbler (or something close)
2 Tablespoons ACV
A squirt of Mio Water Enhancer
Fill with RO water, and stir.
Sip through a straw to help your tooth enamel.

May 22, 2018
Frequent Urination
by: Mercy

I just started using ACV and I've been urinating a lot, its a good thing I came across this page.

I'm relieved now, thought my kidney or bladder had been in some trouble.

May 04, 2018
So far so good
by: Anonymous

I deal with bloating and water retention at least 1-2 weeks a month thanks to mother nature.

Starting taking ACV with a cup of Yogi Slim Life Tea in the mornings. I like the Caramel Apple Spice flavor and add a little honey.

I go to the bathroom so much that I need to move my office there. Not too sure about weight loss yet but I feel better.

Feb 09, 2018
Excited about ACV!
by: Anonymous

Drinking 2-4 tbsp in water all day long! I feel like a race horse, peeing all the time but its normal. Hopefully breaking down fat cells too.

First week drinking Bragg's ACV Miracle Cleanse. Tasty! I add a touch of Stevia too!

Jan 11, 2018
ACV works like magic
by: Anonymous

I have been taking acv in the morning and evening with warm water and honey.

Today I went to the restroom 4 times in an hour and my urine clear my body feels lighter....I'm so happy with this mixture

Dec 15, 2017
ACV drink
by: Zoe

So I've been taking 2 tablespoons of ACV and about 1 tablespoon of honey and filled the glass with water and I take this twice a day.

I'm peeing about 3 times in 30mins. This usually only happens when I drink green tea in the mornings. Was worried at first but I'm so used to it now, I suspect times when I have not pee'd LOL!

Beginning to enjoy the taste as well. Kind of like tangy apple juice.

Nov 21, 2017
Drinking ACV
by: Sunshine


I have been drinking apple cider vinegar for about 3 weeks and I also am facing the problem of frequent urination ... but it's alright if it helps in losing weight.

I take it with cinnamon powder and lemon in lukewarm water.

Nov 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

I took 2 TBLs with 6oz of ice water, yesterday.

This morning I peed 3 times within 2 hours, when I woke up. Is this how it works? Sort of like a diabetic?

Will see what happens in a week!

Oct 29, 2017
Urination concern
by: Anonymous

I've been taking ACV for about 5.5 months now.

I too have noticed I am urinating way more often especially in the middle of the night.

Originally started to take it to control blood sugars.

Also lost about 55lbs, been on a LCHF diet as well, with exercising.

Oct 24, 2017
ACV, Lemon Juice, & Honey ( Raw or Regular )
by: Pissy Peter

*1 cup of water
*3 tablespoons of Unfiltered apple Cider Vinegar ( with the mother)
3 or 4 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 or 2 tablespoons of raw or regular honey...

I urinate sooooooooo much but feel soooooooo slim ...lol
Body aches a little and drink water through out the day to prevent dehydration.

Sep 13, 2017
I was worried
by: Starr

I started my acv journey on Monday and its now Wednesday and I was soooooo worried about how many times I was going to pee but now I'm good!!!!

My weight loss journey is just starting.

Sep 07, 2017
Frequent Urination
by: Gwen

I am so glad that I came across this forum as I was getting extremely concerned about my frequent urination. What a relief!

I started drinking ACV with cayenne about 5 days ago and I urinate a lot... 2 or 3 times an hour. This stuff is doing something! Lol

Jul 17, 2017
Frequent urinating
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am a 66 yr old male and have just begun to take ACV with water in the morning.

I have also found myself running to the bathroom but I have found more trouble with the flow, like an enlarged prostate. I usually have no problem.

Has anyone found this to be so?

Jun 16, 2017
Broke my Plateau, finally
by: Anonymous

I had been doing OMAD (one meal a day) and lost about 10 lbs. Then for almost a week my weight went up and down but stayed the same for about 4 days.

I had bought a bottle of this ACV and took it in the evening the first day and tried the mornings too. Man, I went down 2.5lbs right away and I am peeing at least once an hour if not twice.

Happy to report OMAD is back on track and down a total of 12 lbs

Jun 08, 2017
Feeling Great!
by: Anonymous

I started my detox yesterday and today I have noticed that I have been peeing allot. I can honestly say, I feel better allot better! Allot more energy!

I create my own drink though…it consists of water, acv, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and lemon.

May 27, 2017
Smaller belly
by: mrembo

I have been taking apple cider for 2 months and my belly has shrunk considerably!!

I never felt the urge to pee before and could retain urine for hours now I want to pee all the time.

My clothes fit so much better and I cannot praise this stuff enough! Just awesome.

Feb 08, 2017
Nice detox
by: Anonymous

I thought I was pregnant lol. It's nice to see peeing a lot from acv is normal!

Feb 02, 2017
It works!
by: Tanisha

I mix 2 tbl spoons of acv & 1 tbl spoon of lemon juice with distilled water before breakfast & lunch or dinner.

I noticed frequent urination & loss of appetite.

It's only been 2 days and body looks less bloated!

Jan 30, 2017
Restroom Breaks
by: Anonymous

I've only been taking this product for one day and I noticed more trips to the restroom. Now I see it's normal. I will continue to take this product.

Jan 12, 2017
Peeing a lot
by: Beyblade

Hi, after I have started taking ACV I have been peeing a lot.
Was wondering if this was normal?

Oct 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have been drinking ACV now for 1.5 days but my appetite has dropped down and I don't feel like eating but I go to the bathroom about 3 times an hour!

Jun 05, 2016
Frequent Urination
by: Anonymous

Am so glad I came across this post.

I started taking ACV three weeks ago taking 2tsp after dinner but yesterday, I was making more trips to the bathroom and that got me so worried, thinking that maybe my kidney or bladder has gotten into trouble.

My husband asked if there's anything am taking for detoxification and I said just ACV and he advised I looked it up here and here I am with this. Am so relieved. ..

Sep 18, 2013
working wonders for me
by: Anonymous

I have started taking ACV with honey from last three days, 3 tbsp ACV 1 tbsp honey.
First day it was normal, second day I started frequently urinating like two times in one hour and today's the third day.

Yesterday at dinner I didn't eat food because I didn't feel hungry at all, from second day itself I didn't eat my dinner I only eat my afternoon lite meal and morning tea.

There is no other changes in my day to day life, this drink is a magic drink...

May 01, 2013
About vinegar and smoking
by: Anonymous

It's interesting you should notice less of a desire to smoke.

When I decided to quit smoking (cold turkey), I read that drinking acidic fruit juices would shorten the withdrawal because acidifying the urine draws nicotine and nicotine metabolites out of the blood stream so they are eliminated faster.

I wonder if something similar might have happened in your case.

Apr 29, 2009
ACV made a difference !
by: Lisa

I grew up with my grandmother and my own mother using ACV but I did not begin using it until recently when I had issues with a growth of bacteria in my stomach.

Due to this bacteria I had gained 47 lbs in 2 months. I began with 2 tsp of ACV in a glass of water every morning and I already feel better.

I have lost 16 lbs, I don't feel hungry, my nausea is not as bad, and I have more energy as well as fluid loss as a result of the more frequent urinations.

I have my husband taking it now for two weeks in the mornings as well and he has already noticed differences as well.

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