With Possible Ulcers in our Thoroughbred
by Cathy Bluthardt
(Burlingame, Kansas, USA)

I am using ACV to see if I can get it to help keep weight on our Thoroughbred jumper and to help with a possible ulcer issue.
He is a nervous animal by nature and his weight has always been an issue even though he has free access to qood quality hay and grain and is on a rotational deworming schedule.
I have always wondered about the possibility of ulcers, but had been hesitant to have him scooped because of the cost factor. Then, when I began taking unprocessed ACV for my own stomach problems and joint aches and stiffness, I wondered if it could help him.
I started about 4 weeks ago and I am pleased to say that we are beginning to see some positive results. Plus the fact that he likes the ACV and now eats every morsel of food and doesn't seem to be easily distracted away from his food.
From what I have learned from the health food store owner, the unprocessed ACV stays alkaline once it hits the stomach and neutralizes the acids.
I know it will not hurt him, will help with flies and we are seeing him with a little more spring in his step.