You'll get over the taste of ACV
by Anonymous
(Florida, USA)
I have to say, mixing it with water didn't work for me. I have been pouring 2 teaspoons in a shot glass and downing that and chasing it with a sweeter punch or juice.
Mixing it in water just makes the bad taste last longer, I'd rather get it over with.
I just started 4 days ago but I have noticed an increase of energy and I'm almost used to the taste.
I have not been going to the gym the last week due to car trouble but I'm going today and am sure that combined with the ACV, I will see results.
My skin is also looking really good which I didn't expect, but apparently is an effect of the ACV. I have also noticed my allergies have cleared up(I'm in Florida where it's a year round battle) and apparently it helps during cold and flu season, so I'll see how that goes this winter.
Anyway, I think it's worth a try, and even if I don't lose weight, the health benefits are worth sticking to it.
I suggest Bragg's brand, it has the "mother".